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HomeNews & InformationRecovery: the main switch performance and recovery from overtraining.

Recovery: the main switch performance and recovery from overtraining.

Recovery: the main switch performance and recovery from overtraining.

It is important to realize that proper recovery is the true key to improving performance. Overtraining and continued without exhaustion before and after preparing rehabilitation program, not only lead you to failure, but can be damaging to your health.


-Give Yourself time to recover between your workouts

-Give Your body fuel material through your diet before and after your workout

-Keep Yourself well hydrated before your workout, during and after.

-The Phrase “no pain no gain” is outdated in this situation! Learn your limits, start slowly and do not exceed.

-Create a long-term workout plan taking advice from an expert and experienced personal trainer knowing your goals daily workout by following the track training plan.


Rising from the ashes of overtraining


It is very important to understand when the continuous workout routine without any organized plan that includes rest and recovery has progressed beyond. According with Dr. Philip Maffetone author of Human Performance and Training for Endurance, any intensity workout without recovery, even the most low-workout intensity can lead to overtraining, the symptoms of which are perceived by the body but also by the brain, such as reported earlier. A well thought workout or exercise, according to the plan that provides your body with the right tools that promote proper recovery and reducing the load on your body, will lead to disappearance the symptoms of overtraining resulting to retrieve again the mood for work out and start again your progress!


Mitsaris Kostas
Certified Personal Trainer
Sport&Fitness Nutrionist

Certified Personal Trainer Sport&Fitness Nutrionist

[email protected]


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