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HomeNews & InformationMyth or Reality: A high protein diet increases the risk of osteoporosis

Myth or Reality: A high protein diet increases the risk of osteoporosis

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Myth or Reality: A high protein diet increases the risk of osteoporosis

It is commonly accepted that a high protein diet may contribute to osteoporosis, loss of bone density. The theory behind this states that a high protein diet increases the acids in your body, causing calcium to be leached out from your bones and neutralize the acids.


Fortunately, long-term studies examining the effects of protein intake and bone loss does not support these claims. In fact, in a study of nine weeks, during which the carbohydrates were replaced with meat (increasing daily protein intake dramatically), hormones that are known to promote bone health, such as IGF-1, have actually increased!

A review article published in 2001, also found evidence that increased protein intake is not harmful to your bones. If anything, the evidence refer to a higher protein intake improving bone health.


“This is an important myth that should have been broken,” says Dr. Rob Wildman, chief scientific officer of Dymatize Nutrition. “This misinformation leads many people to unduly restrict the protein in their diet, especially older people who have clearly taken on more protein.”


Mitsaris Kostas
Certified Personal Trainer
Sport&Fitness Nutrionist

Certified Personal Trainer Sport&Fitness Nutrionist

[email protected]


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