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HomeNews & InformationWhat is the syndrome of overtraining!

What is the syndrome of overtraining!

What is the syndrome of overtraining!

What is the syndrome of overtraining!


How do you feel after your workout? You are physically and psychologically ready for your next workout with renewed energy levels and mental clarity? Or are you exhausted and experiencing the same fatigue that you immediately after your workout even 72 hours later, along with joint pain, mental confusion and lack of confidence? If you are, you may be experiencing what sports physiologists refer to as the overtraining syndrome.


According to many sports physiologists but also skilled personal trainers is important for athletes and health enthusiasts and sports remember that hard physical training and exercise can improve performance and health with a view however to reach this level, there is a critical stage in training routine that should not be overlooked. This critical phase is that of recovery. During this phase, in response to your physical efforts, there must be a maximum of reloading your cardiovascular output (cardiac output) and musculature (increase glycogen storages, recharging mitochondrial muscular energy systems). Without adequate attention to this final stage of your physical production, you will never reach their long-term goals of your performance, safely and effectively.


The overtraining syndrome thus develop as a burnout situation as a result of combined negative emotional and physical symptoms that occur as a result of persistent and painstaking workout without proper recovery. To usual first sign of this syndrome is persistent fatigue that is after some period of rest . During this period, regardless of what may happen, it will cease to be no progress and your performance will start to decline. This is a direct result of the volume and intensity of exercise, replacing your ability to recover from it.



by Kostas Mitsaris
certified personal trainer
sport & fitness nutritionist

Certified Personal Trainer Sport&Fitness Nutrionist

[email protected]


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